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ABYSS is an exhibition which delves into the part of earth of which only 1% has been explored, the dark depths of the sea.


The concept was to create an exhibiton which delves into the world of the unknown, the deep, dark depths of the abyssal zone at the bottom of the ocean. The exhibition would be aimed at enlightening the viewers to the wonders of a world which is yet to be uncovered by the human race, using light shows viewed through small peepholes to convey how little is really known about the sea. With the identitiy being infomred by the concept of the exhibition being viewed through peepholes, the branding and material itself took inspiration from the contrast of the darkness of the Abyss with the bioluminescense of the life which thrives down there, 

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ABYSS booklet front.png
Abyss booklet open.png
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Gallery Poster Mock Up.png
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